Stem Cell Treatment for Anti-Aging

There is a lot of confusion about this term and most people are not familiar with the scientific principles of anti-aging and revitalization therapy. Because there are now some types of stem cells available in the marketplace, marketing people are attempting to “sell” these types of stem cells as anti-aging. For example, cord blood cells and placental are injected intramuscular, most often without any testing being done on the cells and rejection is a very real problem. Until recently, some doctors would take the patient’s own stem cells from their blood (often patients would have to take medications for several months to get enough stem cells to merit a treatment) or suction some fat, extract the stem cells and after adding growth factors, would re-inject them into the body. The doctors would charge a lot of money for this and there was every indication that they would not work systemically. So like every new product, one sells what they have, even if it is ineffective. The USFDA has recently ruled that if stem cells are “harvested” from a patient, they would have to be re-injected within hours without adding any growth factors so this process is no longer popular in the United States, as it is difficult to get enough stem cells to justify treatment.

It is doubtful that stem cell therapy for anti-aging will ever be offered in the United States. The American medical community does not consider aging a disease that needs to be treated. But we believe, however, that this therapy will have the most viral demand of any therapy in the world.

Cellular therapy is, in reality, several thousand years old, with the earliest references in the Kama-Sutra in which buck testes and raw milk were prescribed as strength enhancer. This has now “graduated” to rhino tusk for this libido problem. Hippocrates used the corresponding organs of healthy animals for relief and restoration of diseased organs in humans. Dr. Niehans, a Swiss physician, pioneered cell therapy, performed over 45,000 cell transplant procedures in the fifties and early sixties. This had a big impact on the American usage of cell therapy.

Just as Doctor Niehans found that one stem cell type did not treat most diseases, my years of research revealed that indeed, most conditions required multiple types of stem cells to get the optimal response.

The rejuvenation technology developed when former Russian President Yeltsin was in power has been enhanced. Because of the stem cell treatment he received, it was possible to bring him back from nearly a vegetative condition to a state of good health. He became a good tennis player for few years until he died because of a drinking habit. Current rejuvenation stem cells are even superior to what was used back then and a few more types of stem cells added to the formula based on fundamental research worldwide.

The anti-aging protocol that is offered consists of 5 different types of stem cells and there is scientific evidence for all of these cells. The purpose, of course, is not anti-aging, it is more healthy aging, and we have learned that people want to maintain a healthy balance as they get older.

Other than our program, I know of no other place in the world that can provide this variety of cells that have proven therapeutic effect in multiple disease states. Anti-aging therapy helps to improve the overall physical condition. Truth is, it keeps one from getting feeble. Getting feeble is one of the major symptoms that is a predictor of impending death.

Our generation wishes to remain physically fit with no daytime fatigue, maintain youthful posture and gait, retain cognitive mental capacities remaining sharp with ability to retain good decision making skills, improved response time, and restoration of short term memory as compared to the norm.

This is a tall order, but we believe it is possible. We believe that the healthy aging program will be the most popular stem cell therapy for future generations that wish to maintain cognitive and physical function as they age.